Monday, November 14, 2011

Developmental Delay

Ok, what does developmental delay mean, really.  Everyone learns at there own pace and time.  But with Abbie, she was delayed when she was place in my arms.  We knew she would be from all the stories other parents told of - from adopting from China.  So we were prepared, well as prepared as you could be.

When we got home she couldn't hold her head up and she was almost 8 months old.  But with in a few weeks she was doing it,  then at 10 months she started to roll over, and at 15 months started crawling.   At 12 months our pediatrician and friend finally recommended we should have TEIS - Tennessee Early Intervention Service come out and help her get caught up.  I was so scared and worried, but with prayer and friends, and pediatrician help we did, it was the best thing we could have done at the time and it turn out the best for Abbie. 

When TEIS came out - our coordinator Carla - she did an initial evaluation and it came back seriously delayed.  Then we had two therapist come out and did an OT evaluation and developmental evaluation.  And both came back way below the norm.  I knew she was delayed I just didn't realized  how much until then.  She was not walking or saying words.  She was not playing with toys like typical developmental children did so the start of therapies to get her on track.  I had a very hard time with all of this but knew that she would get on track, it just took some time.  Just some time!  I guess that what every parent says when your in this situation.  Just give it some more time.

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